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Posted on August 16 2021

Federal, NL govts extend immigration agreement, to benefit Canada PR

By  Editor
Updated July 25 2023

In a few years in the past, the Canadian government and the provincial government of Newfoundland & Labrador have been working together for the sake of new immigrants. The Canada-Newfoundland & Labrador Immigration Agreement has been fueling enabling the newcomers in the province to settle and thrive in the region.

The original agreement was signed in 2016. It laid out a blueprint for cooperation between the federal and provincial governments on immigration. It also laid out the objectives to be achieved in this context.

Now, Marco Mendicino, Canada’s Minister of Immigration along with Andrew Furey, the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, jointly made a significant announcement. They announced the extension of the immigration agreement between Canada and Newfoundland & Labrador.

With the extension, deeper and closer partnership between the provincial and federal governments will come into being. Also, it will ensure that the needs of the province will be addressed and responded to by immigration policies. These policies will also support the requirements of the labor market in Newfoundland & Labrador, resulting in the growth and prosperity of its communities.

The extended agreement will govern the relationship between the province and the federal government in the area of immigration till July 31, 2022. The agreement will let the government of Newfoundland & Labrador issue nominations to aspiring Canadians willing to help the province’s population and economy grow. They will also help in achieving both provincial and federal objectives concerning immigration.

The extended agreement complements the Atlantic Growth Strategy. This includes the AIP (Atlantic Immigration Pilot) which was launched in 2017.

Hey! If you are interested in learning whether you are eligible to apply for Canada immigration, visit this link!

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot

Since 2017, when the pilot was launched, AIP helps employers in Atlantic Canada to hire candidates, who are qualified to do jobs for which no local workers were available. The pilot succeeded tremendously. It attracted significant numbers of talent from overseas and retained them in the region.

As of May 2021, employers under AIP have made more than 9,200 job offers in diverse sectors ranging from manufacturing to healthcare. More than 8,000 newcomers along with their families were welcomed to the region. An evaluation by IRCC found that over 90% of AIP immigrants surveyed were still residing in Atlantic Canada after 1 year.

To date in 2021, assistance was provided to 275 new employees as well as 300 of their family members to get Canada PR to settle down in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador via AIP and PNP. The province has also invited 400 people in the healthcare sector to apply for Canada PR. This was as part of the pathway of Priority Skills NL. It will issue invitations to tech professionals and professionals in aquaculture in the weeks to come. Its success will enable AIP to become a permanent program in 2022 after the pilot period is over.

Connect with us!

As Canada is welcoming more skilled immigrants to its provinces, your desire to migrate to Canada would only be a timely and prospective plan. For expert guidance and professional services in this regard, get in touch with Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company. Click here to connect with us.

Also, read these interesting immigration new articles from Canada:

OINP invites 48 immigration candidates to Ontario via Ontario PNP draw

BC PNP tech draw on Aug 10 2021 invites 51 tech-skilled wannabes




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