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Posted on December 31 2022

Canada PNP Round Up December 2022

By  Editor
Updated July 25 2023

Highlights: December 2022 Canada PNP draw results

  • A total of 14 PNP draws were held in December 2022
  • The total number of invitations issued in these draws is 5,584
  • Highest number of draws were held by Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan and PEI held 2 draws each, while Ontario and British Columbia held three draws each
*Check your eligibility to migrate to Canada through the Y-Axis Canada Immigration Points Calculator.

Results of PNP draws held in December 2022

Canadian provinces held 14 draws in December 2022, and issued 5,584 invitations under their individual Provincial Nominee Program. Three draws were held by Ontario and British Columbia while Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island held 2 draws each. Manitoba held 4 draws under different streams.

List of provinces that issued invitations through PNP draws

  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Saskatchewan
The table below reveals the details of the PNP draws held by each province:
Date of Draw Province No. of Candidates
December 6, 2022 British Columbia 193
December 13, 2022 227
December 20, 2022 173
December 1, 2022 Manitoba 305
December 15, 2022 1030
December 16, 2022 249
December 30, 2022 280
December 13, 2022 Ontario 160
December 19, 2022 936
December 21, 2022 725
December 1, 2022 PEI 69
December 15, 2022 134
December 15, 2022 Saskatchewan 635
December 21, 2022 468

Canada PNP draw details

Five Canadian provinces held PNP draws and their details are discussed below:

British Columbia

British Columbia held three draws and invited 593 candidates in December 2022. The draws were held under three streams of British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program listed below:
  • Skilled Worker
  • International Graduate
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
The table below reveals the details of all the BC PNP draws held in December 2022:
Date Stream Score Number of Invitations
December 6, 2022 Entrepreneur 60-95 193
December 13, 2022 Skills Immigration/Entrepreneur 60-134 227
December 20, 2022 Skills Immigration 60-90 173
For more information about these draws, visit BC PNP draw issued 173 Skills Immigration invitations British Columbia for skilled immigrants; 227 invitations in a BC PNP draw BC PNP Draw issued 193 Skills Immigration invitations


There are three streams of Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program under which the province held 4 draws in December 2022 and invited 1,864 candidates. These streams are:
  • Skilled Workers in Manitoba
  • Skilled Workers Overseas
  • International Education Stream
Invitations through MPNP were also issued to those candidates who have the following:
  • Express Entry ID
  • A job validation code
Manitoba held the highest number of draws in December 2022 and details can be found below:
Date of Draw Total LAAs sent CRS Score
December 1, 2022 305 703-771
December 15, 2022 1030 600
December 16, 2022 249 673-775
December 30, 2022 280 711-750
For more information about these draws, visit Manitoba PNP draw for more skilled foreigners; 249 candidates invited Manitoba PNP draw #161: 1,030 skilled foreign workers offered PR nominations

Manitoba PNP draw issued 305 LAAs on December 1, 2022


Ontario Provincial Nominee Program held 3 draws in December 2022 and issued 1,821 invitations. The streams under which the invitations were issued are:
  • French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream
  • Human Capital Priorities stream
  • Masters Graduate stream
The table below reveals the details of all the three OINP draws:
Date Streams Invitations Issued Minimum score range
December 13, 2022 French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream 160 341-490
December19, 2022 Human Capital Priorities stream 936 484-490
December 21, 2022 Masters Graduate stream 725 46 and above
For more information about these draws, visit Ontario PNP draw results: 725 invitations issued on December 21, 2022 Ontario PNP draw update: 936 candidates received NOIs under HCP stream Ontario PNP draw invited 160 candidates under French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island held 2 draws in December 2022 and issued 203 invitations to apply for a Canada PR visa. The draws were held under the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program. The table below reveals the details of the draws:
Invitation Date Invitations sent to Business Impact Category Invitations sent to Express Entry and Labour Impact categories Total invitations in the draws
December 1, 2022 NA 69 69
December 15, 2022 7 127 134
For more information about these draws, visit PEI PNP draw on December 15, 2022: 134 candidates offered PR nominations Here’s all about the latest PEI PNP draw; 69 PR nominations offered


Saskatchewan held 2 draws in December 2022, and issued 1,103 invitations to the candidates to apply for Canada PR. The invitations were issued under International Skilled Workers Stream of Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program. The table below reveals the details of both draws along with score:
Date Streams Number of candidates invited Score
December 15, 2022 International Skilled Workers 635 62-82
December 21, 2022 International Skilled Workers 468 80
For more information about these draws, visit... SINP issued 635 ITAs under International Skilled Workers stream Saskatchewan PNP draw: 468 candidates invited on December 21, 2022 Willing to migrate to Canada? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no. 1 overseas immigration consultant in UAE. If you found this blog engaging, you may also like … Dos and Don’ts for Canada permanent residents Canada increases average hourly wages to 7.5% to meet the workforce demand Higher immigrant retention rates observed in Atlantic Canada, StatCan reports


5584 candidates invited

Canada PNP


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